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Private Booking Policy
Sales Targets for 2023 -2024:
All days of the week: $1250
Cancellation Fees:
Within 24 hours: $350
Within 5 days: $250
Extended Hours:
The sales targets (listed above) are for events running 3 hours or less. For each hour after this, there is a $250 fee.
Catering Options:
- Clark Hall Pub is pleased to offer Gino’s pizza for all events. If you wish to bring your own food for an event, please speak with our Entertainment Manager (email at bottom) to discuss.
- Extra fee of $100 for external catering. We recommend buying food from Clark as it also goes towards reducing your booking fee.
If your event meets the previously stated Sales Targets Clark Hall Pub does not cost your organization anything to book! If your event falls short of the drink targets your organization only covers the difference!
Any further questions regarding Clark Hall Pub’s booking policy can be directed through email to our Entertainment Manager at [email protected]